Street Theatre

Big, Bold and Ridiculous characters are what we do best! The team at Little Tricks Theatre love to create street theatre that brings a smile to peoples faces and brighten someones day. In the past we have performed in local community events as well as the more mainstream festivals such as Boomtown. We are happy to develop a piece specially for an event/festival or use characters we have worked with in the past. Such as the delightful Marge and Bernard (Pictured to the right) otherwise known as 'The Survivalists'.Think Bear Grylls gone wrong. This is a wacky pair who believe they are the answer to how to survive in any conditions and are therefore out to help. The pair will use their expert skills from living in the jungle to help those they encounter. These will of course be the most ridiculous survival techniques you have ever seen including the ever crucial Trin-tarse dance used by the tribes in the amazonian which involves rubbing your bottom up and down someone to share body heat. They will also teach other crucial techniques to stay warm including how to build a fire...within your soul. Camping is natural life for this pair and therefore the people you will want around at a festival
If you have an event or festival coming up and would like one of wonderful characters to join then please get in touch via our 'Contact' tab.
If you have an event or festival coming up and would like one of wonderful characters to join then please get in touch via our 'Contact' tab.